

This module contains a general class for solving AE problems using the algorithm classes from QQuantLib.AE library package Authors: Alberto Pedro Manzano Herrero & Gonzalo Ferro

class tnbs.BTC_02_AE.QQuantLib.AE.ae_class.AE(oracle=None, target=None, index=None, ae_type=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for creating and solving an AE problem

  • oracle (QLM gate) – QLM gate with the Oracle for implementing the Grover operator

  • target (list of ints) – python list with the target for the amplitude estimation

  • index (list of ints) – qubits which mark the register to do the amplitude estimation

  • ae_type (string) – string with the desired AE algorithm: MLAE, CQPEAE, IQPEAE, IQAE, RQAE

  • kwars (dictionary) – dictionary that allows the configuration of the AE algorithm. The different configration keys of the different AE algorithms can be provided.

property ae_type

creating ae_type property


Method for instantiate the AE algorithm class.


Method for running an AE problem


This module contains the CQPEAE class. Given a quantum oracle operator, this class estimates the amplitude of a given target state using the classical QPE algorithm (with QFT). This module uses the QQuantLib.PE.classical_qpe one.

The following references were used:

Brassard, G., Hoyer, P., Mosca, M., & Tapp, A. (2000). Quantum amplitude amplification and estimation. AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, 305. https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0005055v1

NEASQC deliverable: D5.1: Review of state-of-the-art for Pricing and Computation of VaR

Author: Gonzalo Ferro Costas & Alberto Manzano Herrero

class tnbs.BTC_02_AE.QQuantLib.AE.ae_classical_qpe.CQPEAE(oracle: qat.lang.AQASM.QRoutine, target: list, index: list, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for doing Amplitude Estimation (AE) using classical Quantum Amplitude Estimation (with QFT) algorithm

  • oracle (QLM gate) – QLM gate with the Oracle for implementing the Grover operator

  • target (list of ints) – python list with the target for the amplitude estimation

  • index (list of ints) – qubits which mark the register to do the amplitude estimation

  • kwars (dictionary) –

    dictionary that allows the configuration of the CQPEAE algorithm: Implemented keys:

    qpuQLM solver

    solver for simulating the resulting circuits


    number of measurements


    for using or not QLM implementation of the multi controlled Z gate

property index

creating index property

property oracle

creating oracle property


run method for the class.


the estimation of a

Return type:



\[a = \cos^2(\theta)\]

Where \(\theta\) is:

\[\mathcal{Q}|\Psi\rangle = e^{2i\theta}|\Psi\rangle\]

And \(\mathcal{Q}\) the Grover Operator

property target

creating target property


This module contains necessary functions and classes to implement amplitude estimation algorithm using Iterative Quantum Phase Estimation (IQPE). The implementation is based on following paper:

Dobšíček, Miroslav and Johansson, Göran and Shumeiko, Vitaly and Wendin, Göran*. Arbitrary accuracy iterative quantum phase estimation algorithm using a single ancillary qubit: A two-qubit benchmark. Physical Review A 3(76), 2007. https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0610214

Author: Gonzalo Ferro Costas & Alberto Manzano Herrero

class tnbs.BTC_02_AE.QQuantLib.AE.ae_iterative_quantum_pe.IQPEAE(oracle: qat.lang.AQASM.QRoutine, target: list, index: list, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for using Iterative Quantum Phase Estimation (IQPE) class for doing Amplitude Estimation (AE)

  • oracle (QLM gate) – QLM gate with the Oracle for implementing the Grover operator

  • target (list of ints) – python list with the target for the amplitude estimation

  • index (list of ints) – qubits which mark the register to do the amplitude estimation

  • kwars (dictionary) –

    dictionary that allows the configuration of the IQPEAE algorithm: Implemented keys:

    qpuQLM solver

    solver for simulating the resulting circutis


    number of measurements


    for using or not QLM implementation of the multi controlled Z gate

property index

creating index property

property oracle

creating oracle property


run method for the class.


the estimation of a

Return type:



\[a = \cos^2(\theta)\]

Where \(\theta\) is:

\[\mathcal{Q}|\Psi\rangle = e^{2i\theta}|\Psi\rangle\]

And \(\mathcal{Q}\) the Grover Operator

property target

creating target property


This module contains necessary functions and classes to implement Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation based on the paper:

Grinko, D., Gacon, J., Zoufal, C. et al. Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation npj Quantum Inf 7, 52 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41534-021-00379-1

Author: Gonzalo Ferro Costas & Alberto Manzano Herrero

class tnbs.BTC_02_AE.QQuantLib.AE.iterative_quantum_ae.IQAE(oracle: qat.lang.AQASM.QRoutine, target: list, index: list, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation (IQAE) algorithm

  • oracle (QLM gate) – QLM gate with the Oracle for implementing the Grover operator

  • target (list of ints) – python list with the target for the amplitude estimation

  • index (list of ints) – qubits which mark the register to do the amplitude estimation

  • kwars (dictionary) –

    dictionary that allows the configuration of the IQAE algorithm: Implemented keys:

    qpuQLM solver

    solver for simulating the resulting circuits






    number of measurements on each iteration


    for using or not QLM implementation of the multi controlled Z gate

static chebysev_bound(n_samples: int, gamma: float)

Computes the length of the confidence interval for a given number of samples n_samples and an accuracy gamma:

\[\epsilon = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2N}}\log\left(\dfrac{2}{\gamma} \ \right)\]
  • n_samples (int) – number of samples

  • gamma (float) – accuracy


length of the confidence interval

Return type:


static compute_info(epsilon: float = 0.01, shots: int = 100, alpha: float = 0.05)

This function computes theoretical values of the IQAE algorithm.

  • epsilon (float) – precision

  • alpha (float) – accuracy

  • shots (int) – number of measurements on each iteration


info – python dictionary with the computed information

Return type:


static display_information(epsilon: float = 0.01, shots: int = 100, alpha: float = 0.05)

This function displays information of the properties of the method for a given set of parameters

  • epsilon (float) – precision

  • alpha (float) – accuracy

  • shots (int) – number of measurements on each iteration

static find_next_k(k: int, theta_lower: float, theta_upper: float, flag: bool, ratio: float = 2)

This is an implementation of Algorithm 2 from the IQAE paper. This function computes the next suitable k.

  • k (int) – number of times to apply the grover operator to the quantum circuit

  • theta_lower (float) – lower bound for the estimation of the angle

  • theta_upper (float) – upper bound for the estimation of the angle

  • flag (bool) – flag to keep track of weather we are in the upper or lower half pane

  • ratio (float) – ratio of amplifications between consecutive iterations


  • k (int) – number of times to apply the grover operator to the quantum circuit

  • flag (bool) – flag to keep track of weather we are in the upper or lower half pane

property index

creating index property

static invert_sector(a_min: float, a_max: float, flag: bool = True)

This function inverts the expression:

\[a = \dfrac{1-\cos(\theta)}{2}\]

for a pair of bounds (a_min,a_max). The result belongs to the domain (0,2pi)

  • a_min (float) – lower bound

  • a_max (float) – upper bound

  • flag (bool) – flag to keep track of weather we are in the upper or lower half pane


  • theta_min (float) – lower bound for the associated angle

  • theta_max (float) – upper bound for the associated angle

iqae(epsilon: float = 0.01, shots: int = 100, alpha: float = 0.05)

This function implements Algorithm 1 from the IQAE paper. The result is an estimation of the desired probability with precision at least epsilon and accuracy at least alpha.

  • epsilon (float) – precision

  • alpha (float) – accuracy

  • shots (int) – number of measurements on each iteration


  • a_l (float) – lower bound for the probability to be estimated

  • a_u (float) – upper bound for the probability to be estimated

property oracle

creating oracle property


Create the quantum routine needed for the iqae step


k (int) – number of Grover operator applications


routine – qlm routine for the iqae step

Return type:

qlm routine


run method for the class.


amplitude estimation parameter

Return type:


property target

creating target property


This module contains necessary functions and classes to implement Maximum Likelihood Amplitude Estimation based on the paper:

Suzuki, Y., Uno, S., Raymond, R., Tanaka, T., Onodera, T., & Yamamoto, N. Amplitude estimation without phase estimation Quantum Information Processing, 19(2), 2020 arXiv: quant-ph/1904.10246v2

Author: Gonzalo Ferro Costas & Alberto Manzano Herrero

class tnbs.BTC_02_AE.QQuantLib.AE.maximum_likelihood_ae.MLAE(oracle: qat.lang.AQASM.QRoutine, target: list, index: list, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for using Maximum Likelihood Quantum Amplitude Estimation (MLAE) algorithm

  • oracle (QLM gate) – QLM gate with the Oracle for implementing the Grover operator: init_q_prog and q_gate will be interpreted as None

  • target (list of ints) – python list with the target for the amplitude estimation

  • index (list of ints) – qubits which mark the register to do the amplitude estimation

  • kwars (dictionary) –

    dictionary that allows the configuration of the MLAE algorithm: Implemented keys:

    qpuQLM solver

    solver for simulating the resulting circuits

    schedulelist of two lists

    the schedule for the algorithm

    optimizer :

    an optimizer with just one possible entry


    tolerance to avoid division by zero warnings


    number of grid points for brute scipy optimizer


    for using or not QLM implementation of the multi controlled Z gate

static cost_function(angle: float, m_k: list, n_k: list, h_k: list) float

This method calculates the -Likelihood of angle theta for a given schedule m_k,n_k


\[L(\theta,\mathbf{h}) = -\sum_{k = 0}^M\log{l_k(\theta|h_k)}\]
  • angle (float) – Angle (radians) for calculating the probability of measure a positive event.

  • m_k (list of ints) – number of times the grover operator was applied.

  • n_k (list of ints) – number of total events measured for the specific m_k

  • h_k (list of ints) – number of positive events measured for each m_k


cost – the aggregation of the individual likelihoods

Return type:


property index

creating index property

static likelihood(theta: float, m_k: int, n_k: int, h_k: int) float

Calculates Likelihood from Suzuki paper. For h_k positive events of n_k total events, this function calculates the probability of this taking into account that the probability of a positive event is given by theta and by m_k The idea is use this function to minimize it for this reason it gives minus Likelihood


\[l_k(\theta|h_k) = \sin^2\left((2m_k+1)\theta\right)^{h_k} \ \cos^2 \left((2m_k+1)\theta\right)^{n_k-h_k}\]
  • theta (float) – Angle (radians) for calculating the probability of measure a positive event.

  • m_k (int) – number of times the grover operator was applied.

  • n_k (int) – number of total events measured for the specific m_k

  • h_k (int) – number of positive events measured for each m_k


Gives the Likelihood p(h_k with m_k amplifications|theta)

Return type:


static log_likelihood(theta: float, m_k: int, n_k: int, h_k: int) float

Calculates log of the likelihood from Suzuki paper.


\[\log{l_k(\theta|h_k)} = 2h_k\log\big[\sin\left((2m_k+1) \ \theta\right)\big] +2(n_k-h_k)\log\big[\cos\left((2m_k+1) \ \theta\right)\big]\]
  • theta (float) – Angle (radians) for calculating the probability of measure a positive event.

  • m_k (int) – number of times the grover operator was applied.

  • n_k (int) – number of total events measured for the specific m_k

  • h_k (int) – number of positive events measured for each m_k


Gives the log Likelihood p(h_k with m_k amplifications|theta)

Return type:


mlae(schedule, optimizer)

This method executes a complete Maximum Likelihood Algorithm, including executing schedule, defining the correspondent cost function and optimizing it.

  • schedule (list of two lists) – the schedule for the algorithm

  • optimizer (optimization routine.) – the optimizer should receive a function of one variable the angle to be optimized. Using lambda functions is the recommended way.


  • result (optimizer results) – the type of the result is the type of the result of the optimizer

  • h_k (list) – list with number of positive outcomes from quantum circuit for each pair element of the input schedule

  • cost_function_partial (function) – partial cost function with the m_k, n_k and h_k fixed to the obtained values of the different experiments.

property oracle

creating oracle property

run() float

run method for the class.


list with the estimation of a

Return type:



\[a^* = \sin^2(\theta^*) \; where \; \theta^* = \arg \ \min_{\theta} L(\theta,\mathbf{h})\]

This method execute the run_step method for each pair of values of a given schedule.


schedule (list of two lists) – the schedule for the algorithm


h_k – list with the h_k result of each pair of the input schedule

Return type:


run_step(m_k: int, n_k: int) int

This method executes on step of the MLAE algorithm

  • m_k (int) – number of times to apply the self.q_gate to the quantum circuit

  • n_k (int) – number of shots


  • h_k (int) – number of positive events

  • routine (QLM Routine object)

property schedule

creating schedule property

set_exponential_schedule(n_t: int, n_s: int)

Creates a scheduler of exponential increasing of m_ks.

  • n_t (int) – number of maximum applications of the grover operator

  • n_s (int) – number of shots for each m_k grover applications

set_linear_schedule(n_t: int, n_s: int)

Creates a scheduler of linear increasing of m_ks.

  • n_t (int) – number of maximum applications of the grover operator

  • n_s (int) – number of shots for each m_k grover applications

property target

creating target property


This module contains necessary functions and classes to implement a MonterCarlo Amplitude Estimation. In this case not amplification is used. The probability of the target stat of the oracle is measured.

Author: Gonzalo Ferro Costas & Alberto Manzano Herrero

class tnbs.BTC_02_AE.QQuantLib.AE.montecarlo_ae.MCAE(oracle: qat.lang.AQASM.QRoutine, target: list, index: list, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for MonteCarlo Amplitude Estimation (MCAE).

  • oracle (QLM gate) – QLM gate with the Oracle for implementing the Grover operator

  • target (list of ints) – python list with the target for the amplitude estimation

  • index (list of ints) – qubits which mark the register to do the amplitude estimation

  • kwars (dictionary) –

    dictionary that allows the configuration of the IQAE algorithm: Implemented keys:

    qpuQLM solver

    solver for simulating the resulting circuits


    number of measurements


    for using or not QLM implementation of the multi controlled Z gate

property index

creating index property

property oracle

creating oracle property


run method for the class.


amplitude estimation parameter

Return type:


property target

creating target property


This module contains necessary functions and classes to implement Real Quantum Amplitude Estimation based on the paper:

Manzano, A., Musso, D., Leitao, A. et al. Real Quantum Amplitude Estimation Preprint

Author: Gonzalo Ferro Costas & Alberto Manzano Herrero

class tnbs.BTC_02_AE.QQuantLib.AE.real_quantum_ae.RQAE(oracle: qat.lang.AQASM.QRoutine, target: list, index: list, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for Real Quantum Amplitude Estimation (RQAE) algorithm

  • oracle (QLM gate) – QLM gate with the Oracle for implementing the Grover operator

  • target (list of ints) – python list with the target for the amplitude estimation

  • index (list of ints) – qubits which mark the register to do the amplitude estimation

  • kwars (dictionary) –

    dictionary that allows the configuration of the IQAE algorithm: Implemented keys:

    qpuQLM solver

    solver for simulating the resulting circuits


    amplification ratio






    for using or not QLM implementation of the multi controlled Z gate

static chebysev_bound(n_samples: int, gamma: float)

Computes the length of the confidence interval for a given number of samples n_samples and an accuracy gamma.

  • n_samples (int) – number of samples

  • gamma (float) – accuracy

Return type:

length of the confidence interval

static compute_info(ratio: float = 2, epsilon: float = 0.01, gamma: float = 0.05, **kwargs)

This function computes theoretical values of the IQAE algorithm.

  • ratio (float) – amplification ratio/policy

  • epsilon (float) – precision

  • gamma (float) – accuracy


info – python dictionary with the computed information

Return type:


static display_information(ratio: float = 2, epsilon: float = 0.01, gamma: float = 0.05, **kwargs)

This function displays information of the properties of the method for a given set of parameters

  • ratio (float) – amplification ratio/policy

  • epsilon (float) – precision

  • gamma (float) – accuracy

first_step(shift: float, shots: int, gamma: float)

This function implements the first step of the RQAE paper. The result is a first estimation of the desired amplitude.

  • shift (float) – shift for the first iteration

  • shots (int) – number of measurements

  • gamma (float) – accuracy


  • amplitude_min (float) – lower bound for the amplitude to be estimated

  • amplitude_max (float) – upper bound for the amplitude to be estimated

property index

creating index property

property oracle

creating oracle property

rqae(ratio: float = 2, epsilon: float = 0.01, gamma: float = 0.05)

This function implements the first step of the RQAE paper. The result is an estimation of the desired amplitude with precision epsilon and accuracy gamma.

  • ratio (int) – amplification ratio

  • epsilon (int) – precision

  • gamma (float) – accuracy


  • amplitude_min (float) – lower bound for the amplitude to be estimated

  • amplitude_max (float) – upper bound for the amplitude to be estimated


run method for the class.


amplitude estimation parameter

Return type:


run_step(shift: float, shots: int, gamma: float, k: int)

This function implements a step of the RQAE paper. The result is a refined estimation of the desired amplitude.

  • shift (float) – shift for the first iteration

  • shots (int) – number of measurements

  • gamma (float) – accuracy

  • k (int) – number of amplifications


  • amplitude_min (float) – lower bound for the amplitude to be estimated

  • amplitude_max (float) – upper bound for the amplitude to be estimated

property shifted_oracle

creating shifted_oracle property

property target

creating target property