Advanced usage

In this section we provide some examples of more advanced usages of the library.

Building dynamic systems

The QPU interface provides a method called evaluate. This method builds the quantum circuit corresponding to a given QRBS, in order to see if the QPU used can run the given system. While this method is mainly intended to be used inside the execute, it can also be used to build dynamic systems.

For example, let’s build a QRBS by concatenating rules one after the other:

  1. IF X0 THEN X1

  2. IF X1 THEN X2

Up until:

  1. IF X(N-1) then XN

It is possible that such a system cannot be executed in a given QPU if it surpases the amount of qubits available. Therefore, to build a system like this but satisfying the limits of the QPU we can do something like the following:

system = QRBS()
facts = []
rules = []
island = None

for i in range(1,n):
    facts.append(system.assert_fact('{}'.format(i), 'Fact {}'.format(i), 1.0))
    if len(facts) == 1: # add both facts in the case of the first rule
        facts.append(system.assert_fact('{}'.format(i-1), 'Fact {}'.format(i-1), 1.0))
    rules.append(system.assert_rule(facts[-2], facts[-1], 1.0)) # use the last facts to make a rule
    island = system.assert_island(rules)
        if i != n - 1:
            system.retract_island(island) # remove the island once it has been checked, a new one will be added in the next loop
    except ValueError:
        island = system.assert_island(rules)

In this example, we add the rules one by one and check the evaluation result with each addition. When the knowledge island composed by the rules is too large for MyQlmQPU to execute it, we retract the last rule of the set (we do the same with the last fact) and assert the previous ones.

Comparing models

MyQlmQPU offers three different models to implement the quantum circuit of a given QRBS. These models, based on classical models of rule based systems, are:

  • Certainty factors (cf)

  • Fuzzy logic (fuzzy)

  • Bayesian networks (bayes)

The certainty factors model is used by default, to use any of the other one simply indicate it in the methods evaluate and execute:

MyQlmQPU.execute(system, model='fuzzy')

While at their core all models work the same (relate precedent with consequents through rules), it can be interesting to compare the results obtained with each of them:

models = ['cf', 'fuzzy', 'bayes']
results = []

for model in models:
    MyQlmQPU.execute(system, model=model)

print(zip(models, results)) # [('cf', 0.978), ('fuzzy', 0.963), ('bayes', 0.989)]