Parent Hamiltonian ansatz using MPS
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.ansatz_mps.ansatz_mps(nqubits, depth, angles, truncate=True, t_v=None)
Creates the MPS solution of the ansatz for TNBS BTC_04_PH benchmark
- Parameters:
nqubits (int) – Number of qubits for the ansatz
depth (int) – Depth for the ansatz
truncate (bool) – Boolean variable for truncate SVD of the 2 qubits ansatz. If truncate is True and t_v is None precision of the float will be used as truncation value
t_v (float) – Float for tuncating the SVD of the 2 qubits gates. Only valid if truncate is True,
- Returns:
mps_ – list with the angles for the circuit
- Return type:
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.ansatz_mps.get_angles(depth)
Setting the angles of the ansatz following TNBS procedure
- Parameters:
depth (int) – Integer with the depth of the ansatz
- Returns:
mps_ – list with the angles for the circuit
- Return type:
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.ansatz_mps.state_computation(**configuration)
Computes State of the TNBS BTC_04_PH ansatz using MPS.
- Parameters:
arguments (configuration MUST have following keyword)
nqubits (int) – Number of qubits for the ansatz
depth (int) – Depth for the ansatz
truncate (bool) – Boolean variable for truncate SVD of the 2 qubits ansatz. If truncate is True and t_v is None precision of the float will be used as truncation value
t_v (float) – Float for tuncating the SVD of the 2 qubits gates. Only valid if truncate is True,
save (bool) – For saving the resulting state
folder (string) – Folder for saving the results
- Returns:
pdf – DataFrame with the result of the state of the circuit
- Return type:
pandas DataFrame
Numpy Implementation of Several Quantum Gates
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.gates_mps.controlz()
Implement a Controlled-Z Gate as a numpy array.
- Returns:
cz – Array with the implementation of a c-Z gate
- Return type:
numpy array
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.gates_mps.h_gate()
Implement a Haddamard Gate as a numpy array.
- Returns:
haddamard – Array with the implementation of a Haddamard gate
- Return type:
numpy array
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.gates_mps.phasechange_gate()
Implement a Phase Change Gate as a numpy array.
- Returns:
phase – Array with the implementation of a Phase change gate
- Return type:
numpy array
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.gates_mps.x_rotation(angle)
Implement a X rotation numpy array.
- Parameters:
angle (float) – desired angle for the Z rotation
- Returns:
xr – Array with the implementation of a X rotation
- Return type:
numpy array
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.gates_mps.z_rotation(angle)
Implement a Z rotation numpy array.
- Parameters:
angle (float) – desired angle for the Z rotation
- Returns:
zr – Array with the implementation of a Z rotation
- Return type:
numpy array
Functions for working with MPS
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.apply_2qubit_gate(tensor1, tensor2, gate=None, truncate=False, t_v=None)
Executes a 2-qubit gate between 2 rank-3 tensors
The rank-3 tensors MUST HAVE following indexing:
- 0-o-2
Where 1 is the physical leg. Following Computation is done:
- -o-o-
- | -> -o- -> SVD -> -o- -o-
-o- | |
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.apply_2qubit_gates(qubits, gates, truncate=True, t_v=1e-08)
Apply a circular ladder of Non-Local gates.
- Parameters:
qubits (list) – MPS representation of a circuit. List where each element is a numpy array
gates (list) – list where each element is a matrix representation of non-local gate
truncate (bool) – Boolean variable for truncate SVD of the 2 qubits ansatz. If truncate is True and t_v is None precision of the float will be used as truncation value
t_v (float) – Float for tuncating the SVD of the 2 qubits gates. Only valid if truncate is True,
- Returns:
new_qubits – MPS representation of the resulting circuit of applied the circular ladder of non local gates over the input MPS. Each element of the list is a numpy array
- Return type:
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.apply_local_gate(mps, gates)
Apply local gates on several rank 3-tensors. For not apply a gate over a tensor a None should be provided.
The rank-3 tensor MUST HAVE following indexing:
- 0-o-2
Where 1 is the physical leg.
The computation done is:
- -o- -o- … -o-
- | |
o o o | | |
- Parameters:
mps (list) – Each element is a rank-3 tensor from a MPS
gates (list) – Each element is a local gate
- Returns:
o_qubits – Each element is the resulting rank-3 tensor
- Return type:
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.compose_mps(mps)
Given an input MPS it computes the final Tensor
- Parameters:
mps (list) – list where each element is a rank-3 tensor that conforms de MPS
- Returns:
tensor – numpy array with the correspondient tensor
- Return type:
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.contract_indices_one_tensor(tensor, contractions)
For an input tensor executes indices contractions by pair. The computation is done by contracting each para of indices with its corresponding identity matrix. EXAMPLE: contractions = [(1, 5), (3, 4)] Index 1 will be contracted with indice 5 and index 3 with index 4
- Parameters:
tensor (numpy array) – input tensor
contractions (list) – each element is a tuple of the indices to be contracted
- Returns:
tensor – Desired tensor with the corresponding contractions done
- Return type:
numpy array
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.contraction_physical_legs(tensor)
Executes the contraction of the physical legs of the input rank-3 tensor with its complex conjugate. Physical Legs MUST BE 1
- Parameters:
tensor (np array) – Numpy array with a rank-3 tensor. Physical Legs MUST BE 1
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.mpo_contraction(tensor_1, tensor_2)
Contraction of 2 input tensors (npo tensors) with corresponding adjust of dimension for computing density matrices. The input tensors MUST be rank 4 or 2 tensors.
- Rank-4 tensor: | Rank-2 tensor:
o - | - o - | |
- Parameters:
tensor_1 (np array) – First input 4 or 2 rank tensor
tensor_2 (np array) – Second input 4 or 2 rank tensor
- Returns:
step – output rank 4 or 2 tensor
- Return type:
np array
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.mps.my_svd(array, truncate=False, t_v=None)
Execute SVD.
- Parameters:
array (np.array) – Arry with matrix for SVD
truncate (Bool) – For truncating SVD. If t_v is None then the truncation will be using float prcision of the system
t_v (float) – In truncate is True then the t_v float will use as truncation threshold
- Returns:
u_, s, vh – numpy arrays with the SVD of the input array
- Return type:
- Complete implementation of the Parent Hamiltonian following:
Fumiyoshi Kobayashi and Kosuke Mitarai and Keisuke Fujii Parent Hamiltonian as a benchmark problem for variational quantum eigensolvers Physical Review A, 105, 5, 2002
Author: Gonzalo Ferro
- class tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.parent_hamiltonian_mps.PH_MPS(mps, t_invariant=False, **kwargs)
Class for doing Parent Hamiltonian Computations
- Parameters:
amplitudes (list) – list with the complete amplitudes of the state of the ansatz
kwars (dictionary) –
- dictionary that allows the configuration of the CQPEAE algorithm:
Implemented keys:
- get_pauli_pdf()
Create pauli dataframe with all the info. Additionally pauli coefficients lower than float precision will be pruned
- local_ph()
Computes the local parent hamiltonian
- save()
Saving Staff
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.parent_hamiltonian_mps.get_local_reduced_matrix(state, qb_pos)
Given a MPS representation of a input state and position qubit (qb_pos) computes the minimum local reduced density matrix from qb_pos qubit such that its null space can be computable: i.e. rank(local_rho) < dim(local_rho)
- Parameters:
state (numpy array) – MPS representation of an state
qb_pos (int) – position of the qubit for computing the reduced density matrix
- Returns:
local_qubits (list) – list with the qubits affected by the reduced density matrix
local_rho (numpy array) – array with the reduced density matrix for the input qbit position
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.parent_hamiltonian_mps.get_null_projectors(array)
Given an input matrix this function computes the matrix of projectors over the null space of the input matrix
- Parameters:
array (numpy array) – Input matrix for computing the projectors over the null space
- Returns:
h_null – Matrices with the projectors to the null space of the input array
- Return type:
numpy array
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.parent_hamiltonian_mps.reduced_rho_mps(mps, free_indices, contraction_indices)
Computes reduced density matrix by contracting first the MPS with NON contracted legs. Then compute the contraction of the MPS with contracted legs. Finally Contract the result of the Non Contracted operations with the Contracted Ones for getting the desired reduced density matrix. Try to alternate MPS contraction of states (free legs) with MPO contractions (contracted legs)
- Parameters:
mps (list) – MPS representation of the state whose reduced density matrix want to be computed. Each element is a rank-3 tensor represented by a numpy array
free_indices (list) – List of the free index for computing the reduced density matrix
contraction_indices (list) – List with the contraction indices for computing the reduced density matrix. This qubits will be traced out.
- Returns:
tensor_out – Array with the desired reduced density matrix
- Return type:
- tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.mps.parent_hamiltonian_mps.run_parent_hamiltonian(**configuration)
Computes Parent Hamiltonian for an ansatz
- Parameters:
used (configuration is a kwargs. Following keys are the)
nqubits (*) – number of the qubits for the BTC ansatz
depth (*) – depth for the BTC ansatz
truncate (*) – for truncating the SVD. Float precision will be used as cuttoff
save (*) – for saving the results
folder (*) – Folder for storing the results.
- Returns:
pauli_pdf (pandas DataFrame) – DataFrame with the Pauli decomposition of hte PH
pdf_angles (pandas DataFrame) – DataFrame with the angles for the BTC ansatz.