

Complete implementation of the Parent Hamiltonian following:

Fumiyoshi Kobayashi and Kosuke Mitarai and Keisuke Fujii Parent Hamiltonian as a benchmark problem for variational quantum eigensolvers Physical Review A, 105, 5, 2002

Author: Gonzalo Ferro

class tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.parent_hamiltonian.PH(amplitudes, t_invariant=False, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for doing Parent Hamiltonian Computations

  • amplitudes (list) – list with the complete amplitudes of the state of the ansatz

  • kwars (dictionary) –

    dictionary that allows the configuration of the CQPEAE algorithm:

    Implemented keys:


Computes the density matrix asociated with the amplitudes


Create pauli dataframe with all the info. Additionally pauli coefficients lower than float precision will be pruned


Computes the local parent hamiltonian


Computes the parent hamiltonian of agiven ansatz for a full qubit interaction


Saving Staff

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.parent_hamiltonian.get_local_reduced_matrix(state, qb_pos)

Given a MPS representation of a input state and position qubit (qb_pos) computes the minimum local reduced density matrix from qb_pos qubit such that its null space can be computable: i.e. rank(local_rho) < dim(local_rho)

  • state (numpy array) – MPS representation of an state

  • qb_pos (int) – position of the qubit for computing the reduced density matrix


  • local_qubits (list) – list with the qubits affected by the reduced density matrix

  • local_rho (numpy array) – array with the reduced density matrix for the input qbit position


Given an input matrix this function computes the matrix of projectors over the null space of the input matrix


array (numpy array) – Input matrix for computing the projectors over the null space


h_null – Matrices with the projectors to the null space of the input array

Return type:

numpy array



For launching a VQE quantum step execution Author: Gonzalo Ferro



This module contains all functions needed for creating the Pauli decomposition of a Hamiltonian

Author: Gonzalo Ferro

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.pauli.pauli_decomposition(array, dimension, jobs=-1)

Creates the Pauli Decomposition of an input matrix

  • array (numpy array) – input array for doing the Pauli decomposition

  • dimension (int) – dimension for creating the corresponding basis of Kronecker products of Pauli basis

  • int (jobs =) – For speed up the coefficients computations. Number of parallel computations.


  • coefs (list) – Coefficients of the different Pauli matrices decomposition

  • strings_pauli (list) – list with the complete Pauli string decomposition

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.pauli.pauli_inner_product(array, pauli_list, dimension)

Given an input matrix and a Kronecker Pauli matrix product computes its inner product. Under the hood it computes the Frobenius norm of the complex conjugate of the matrix by the given Kronecker Pauli matrix product.

  • array (numpy array) – Input array for getting the inner product

  • pauli_list (list) – list with the indices to compute the Kronecker product of the corresponding Pauli matrices.Each element of the list must be a number between 0 and 3 corresponding to the Pauli matrix following convention from pauli_operators function

  • dimension (int) – For doing the normalisation corresponding to the dimension of the matrices


inner_product – Resulting inner product

Return type:



Return the correspondent Pauli matrix.


pauli_index (int) – Number for selecting the Pauli matrix: 0 -> identity, 1-> X, 2-> Y, 3 -> Z


2x2 Pauli Matrix

Return type:

pauli = np.array


Provides the Pauli strings of the input list.


pauli_list (list) – list with the ints of the Pauli matrices. See pauli_operators for the mapping


string_pauli – correspondent Pauli strings of the input

Return type:



Implementation of reduced density matrix computations and tensor contractions

Author: Gonzalo Ferro

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.contractions.contract_indices(tensor1, tensor2, contraction1=[], contraction2=[])

Compute the contraction of 2 input tensors for the input contraction indices.The computation is done by, transposing indices, reshapin and doing matrix multiplication. Tensor legs can be of different dimension. BE AWARE: Order in contraction indices it is very important: contraction1 = [1, 2, 5] contraction2 = [2, 0, 6] -> Contractions will be: [1-2, 2-0, 5-6] But if contraction2 = [0, 2, 6] then contraction will be: [1-0, 2-2,5-6] If both contraction indices are empty then the tensors will be glued

  • tensor1 (numpy array) – first tensor

  • tensor2 (numpy array) – second tensor

  • contraction1 (list) – contraction indices for first tensor

  • contraction2 (list) – contraction indices for second tensor


rho – Desired reduced density operator in matrix form

Return type:

numpy array

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.contractions.contract_indices_old(tensor1, tensor2, contraction1, contraction2)

Compute the contraction of 2 input tensors for the input contraction indices.The computation is done by, transposing indices, reshaping and doing matrix multiplication

  • tensor1 (numpy array) – first tensor

  • tensor2 (numpy array) – second tensor

  • contraction1 (list) – contraction indices for first tensor

  • contraction2 (list) – contraction indices for second tensor


rho – Desired reduced density operator in matrix form

Return type:

numpy array

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.contractions.contract_indices_string(tensor1, tensor2, contraction_indices)

Compute the contraction of 2 input tensors for the input contraction indices.The computation is done by, transposing indices, reshaping and doing matrix multiplication

  • tensor1 (numpy array) – array in MPS format of the state for computing reduced density matrix

  • tensor2 (numpy array) – array in MPS format of the state for computing reduced density matrix

  • contraction_indices (list) – Indices of the MPS state that will be contracted to compute the correspondent reduced density matrix


rho – Desired reduced density operator in matrix form

Return type:

numpy array

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.contractions.reduced_matrix(state, free_indices, contraction_indices)

Compute the reduced density matrix for the input contraction indices The computation is done by, transposing indices, reshaping and doing matrix multiplication

  • state (numpy array) – array in MPS format of the state for computing reduced density matrix

  • free_indices (list) – Free indices of the MPS state (this is the qubit that will NOT be traced out)

  • contraction_indices (list) – Indices of the MPS state that will be contracted to compute the correspondent reduced density matrix


rho – Desired reduced density operator in matrix form

Return type:

numpy array

tnbs.BTC_04_PH.PH.parent_hamiltonian.contractions.reduced_matrix_string(state, free_indices, contraction_indices)

Compute the reduced density matrix for the input contraction indices The computation is done by using np.einsum. Limited to 52 indices.

  • state (numpy array) – array in MPS format of the state for computing reduced density matrix

  • free_indices (list) – Free indices of the MPS state (this is the qubit that will NOT be traced out)

  • contraction_indices (list) – Indices of the MPS state that will be contracted to compute the correspondent reduced density matrix


matriz_rho – Desired reduced density operator in matrix form

Return type:

numpy array